Alumnus of the Week, Mr. Sedfrey Keith M. Espina, MAN, RN

Trinity High School proudly presents our Alumnus of the Week, Mr. Sedfrey Keith M. Espina, MAN, RN.

A Trinitian by spirit, Sir Sedfrey accomplished his high school program at Trinity University of Asia in 2007.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in 2011 and acquired his Masters of Arts in Nursing Major in Nursing Administration at TUA St. Luke’s College of Nursing, where he currently serves as an assistant professor.

Sir Sedfrey is a lifetime member of the Philippine Nurses Association and Peri-Operative Registered Nurses Association of the Philippines.


When I was a kid, I told my mom that I want to go to a school that has big buildings, big classrooms, and many classmates that I can be friend with. I took up my entrance examination here at Trinity University of Asia (formerly Trinity College of Quezon City) when I was in Grade 1, and that is the start of my wonderful journey in this school.

I was excited at the same time anxious on my first day here in TUA, but as school years goes by, I easily adjusted to the new environment and met new friends during my childhood years. I can say that half of my life was spent here in this school, from elementary to college, and I am very grateful to TUA because the school greatly contributes to my life and to where I am now. The teachers mold me, not only as a student but being a full-grown good human being. My teachers help me develop whatever talent and skills that I have, that I use until now being a professional.

TUA also helped and taught me to socialize well with other students and to gain friends also that developed a great relationship that up until now we are together and treating one another as siblings and guides one another even though we have our own family. The teachers and professors in TUA do not teach us the knowledge and learnings that came from textbooks and other references but they taught us, coming from their heart, how to face the challenges of life and the reality of the world. I can say that I am destined to be a Trinitian all throughout my school days up until now that I am a professor to my alma mater and I am very thankful and proud of that. It is an honor to give back all the knowledge that I have learned to the present and future students of TUA. Thank you Trinity University of Asia for helping and guiding each and every Trinitian. May you continue inspiring and touching the lives of the students.


To my fellow Trinitian, the Trinity High School students, treasure every moment that you are experiencing. We should treasure every up and down because we learn a lot from these experiences and challenges that we are facing. Trinity University of Asia is one of the best schools that will help you to achieve whatever dreams and goals in life you want to get. All the learnings, knowledge, and wisdom you are gaining in TUA will greatly help you and be ready to conquer the reality of life once you have already left the alma mater. With all the negativity that is happening in our surroundings, especially this time, serve this as a challenge and motivation to achieve your dreams and goals in life and do not lose hope in every circumstance. Our dreams and goals are very hard to achieve, as long as you are focus on your way, you wouldn’t notice that your feet already reached your destination.

Also never forget to give gratitude to those people who supported you along your way, your friends, your teachers, your family, and God. They are the one who knows you better, and the hardships that you are experiencing along the way of your journey as a Junior High School student. And lastly, be humble all time and keep your faith in high.

The whole Trinity University of Asia community is very proud of you, Sir Sedfrey!