Alumnus of the Week, Mr. William DG. Sarao, RMT

Trinity High School proudly presents our Alumnus of the Week, Mr. William DG. Sarao, RMT. 

A Trinitian by spirit, Mr. William completed his High School in 2005 at Trinity College of Quezon City, now Trinity University of Asia.

He finished also his degree in BS Medical Technology at Trinity College of Quezon City. Currently, he is the Associate District Sales Manager of Central Visayas & Mindanao of Panpharma Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Inc.


To Trinity University of Asia, my beloved Alma Mater, my sincerest Thank You. I’ve lost count of of how many times I had accepted academic ideas that put me on a path of discovery that served to strengthen myself in facing hurdles in life. Which often crossed my way but which I successfully surpassed. I am so grateful to people who honed me and who were the instruments to what I am today, well-equipped to face whatever battles in life that will cross my way.


Dear Trinitians,
Remember to consider yourselves as most brilliant young scholars to wrestles with issues of profound importance concerning your journey to your goals. 

Student’s life is not remarkably easy. Each and everyone has a unique talent and ability for putting scholarly work of the highest caliber into an accessible and engaging form. No matter how hard your hurdles maybe, never give up .Handle them with positivity.

Soar High!

The whole Trinity University of Asia community is very proud of you, Mr. William!

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