Our Programs


TUA High School administrators, faculty members, staff, and different student support services revisited the school’s philosophy, vision, mission, and program objectives. The academic council and faculty members conducted a curriculum review to determine the contents to be prioritized this school year. The outcome is a curriculum that is streamlined, vertically-articulated and horizontally connected. The learning outcomes are consistent with DepEd’s Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). To strenghten the curriculum, TUA High School includes Computer Science with Robotics, Christian Education, Nihongo, and Mandarin as additional institutional subjects. The integration of content and skills is necessary to ensure that equally essential learning areas will be covered. The academic community fortifies its commitment to deliver instruction resulting to learning that is supported and strengthened through performance of authentic tasks and immersion in real-life experiences.


Curriculum outcomes are unpacked to develop lesson plans and modules which are anchored and integrated with sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics.