Our Programs

Overview and Features of the Program

Trinity University of Asia High School, which caters to the Junior High School and Senior High School programs – remains committed to its educational philosophy of preparing its learners through God-centered education and service and providing quality educational services without compromising the health and safety of its learners, teachers, staff, and parents. The academic community is committed to its vision of producing active and holistically-developed learners who are dedicated in achieving their fullest potentials in life and unwavering concerns for others.

Key Features of the Program

Using the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) mandated by the Department of Education, TUA High School administrators and teachers conducted series of curriculum review to identify learning competencies that must be prioritized using Readiness, Endurance, Assessment and Leverage (REAL) Criteria, a research-based framework for curriculum review. It also ensures vertical alignment and horizontal connections of learning competencies from Junior High School to Senior High School up to collegiate level.

Guided by the principles and ideals of Whole Person Education (WPE), TUA High School’s Program is a holistic learning experience that forms not only the minds, but also the learners’ heart, body, and spirit. In consonance with our vision of producing active and holistically-developed learners, learning activities and teaching pedagogies trigger not only the 21st century learning skills but also literacy skills and life skills. This will be achieved through the utilization of 21st century teaching pedagogies such as microlearning, project-based learning, design thinking, team teaching and integrative assessment tasks.

As a Christian institution, it is our mission to develop the moral and spiritual aspects of our learners through the integration of Five Marks of Mission in our curricular programs: (1) To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom; (2) To teach, baptise and nurture new believers; (3) To respond to human need by loving service; (4) To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation; and (5) To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth. This will be manifested through the quarterly Spiritual Nurturance activities to be facilitated by the Office of the University Chaplain.

As a recognized member of Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), we are committed to develop learners who are dedicated to achieve their fullest potentials in life. Our Homeroom Programs will focus on a project called “My Vision Board” which helps learners identify their future careers as early as Grade 7 and will guide them until they reach their ultimate dream of becoming high competent professionals in their respective chosen fields. This will be manifested using the Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP), SEAMEO Innotech’s Multiple Career Development Pathways Toolkit and activities to be sponsored and facilitated by the different colleges of Trinity University of Asia.

Highlighting the mental health and psychosocial needs of our learners, the school provides quarterly academic break for all students where programs such as Huntahan: Debriefing Sessions by Guidance Center and Spritual Nurturance by the Office of University Chaplain will be conducted.

Online learning environment is characterized by provision of e-learning modules, independent learning tasks, instructional apps and platforms, online synchronous and asynchronous activities, check-in and consultation periods. Support is provided to students and parents (learning assistants) by the teachers and TUA eLearning Resource Team as online learning continue to take place. TUA Learning Cloud (TLC) and Google Workspace for Education Plus will be the official learning management system and online sychronous classes platform of the school.

Guided by the institutional ideology of “Trinisyano”, the school takes pride in its strong sense of community. In this now normal, the school will continue to build, restore, and strengthen relationships with our community partners through the different student interest club offerings of TUA High School.

The school learning environment celebrates growth. Improvement in the learning performance is recognized, and encouragement is given to those who have difficulties. Learners are supported as they work hard and persevere. Challenges and failures are viewed as opportunities to improve learning and skills.

Parents as vital partners in the holistic development of every learner will play significant roles in the now normal learning environment. The stronger partnership and collaboration is highly encouraged. The school will provide consultation hours for parents to connect with the different teachers of TUA High School.

TUA High School adheres to the safety and health guidelines mandated by Department of Education, Quezon City Local Government and other agencies to ensure that school environment will be safe. The school has instituted Safety and Health Protocols that every school community member must follow to make sure that school environment will remain safe and sound for all