Educational Service with Distinctive Quality & Globally-competitive Standards

- your home away from home.

Situated at the heart of Quezon City, the University exemplifies a prelude to a dedicated and committed service to the Unseen Hand and all humankind. She is surrounded by robust communities, ablaze with Christian and nationalistic spirit. By precept and example, she strives to imbue the young with Christian ideals of Love, Freedom, and Service. It is a wellspring of formative ideals for the young pledging to be successful leaders towards the making of a more humane society.
We in Trinity High School envision our students to become active and holistically developed learners who are dedicated in achieving their fullest potentials in life with unwavering concerns for others.
No Student is Left Behind
Trinity University of Asia ( TUA) values the health and safety of its students and has provided the means by which students can still learn by instituting the Flexible Learning Options ( FLOs). TUA- FLOs is a hybrid learning approach that caters to the varying needs and context of the student and the nature of the subjects and course program. To efficiently deliver the lessons to the students TUA will now be using its very own eLearning Management System called the TUA Learning Cloud (TLC).